Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 7... JAX Beaches

Hey their Ya'll! 
This week was pretty delicious. If I do say so myself. 
Basically, Priesthood blessings are amazing and they do wonders. This week I felt a new sense of confidence in what I'm doing! I feel happier and I can feel the spirit more. My personal studies are becoming more meaningful and I can just feel my testimony grrooowwwinng and growwwing!!
Needless to say, priesthood blessings are incredible. 
-First off, I don't have a lot of time because we are going to the zoo TODAY! HOORAY FOR THE ZOOOOOOO!!! It's like down-pouring right now. Sooo... that might be interesting. But hey, the zoo is the zoo. :D
-Okay. Dad. This is for you. You are like a freaking prophet. haha. You send me an email that said "You will get an investigator tomorrow". Um.. guess who got an investigator? WE DID. Super cool. We went street contacting on the boardwalk. By the beach. We can't be on the beach but we can certainly look at it!!!! I saw this lady sitting so I went and sat down next to her and asked her how her day was etc etc and then introduced ourselves as the missionaries from the Mormon church and she said "oh! I've been trying to get dat book of yours!!" .... *shifty eyes*.... you mean the book of Mormon? YEAH! That one!!! Well... I think we could possibly help you out with that! haha! It was SO GREAT! So Dad, you are amazing and keep it up with this whole predicting the future thing. haha. She is sorta homeless... so that will be interesting but she is super elect. And amazing. and just AH! Missions man... super cool.
-Natalie is progressing sooo well!!!! We ran into some roadblocks cause she has a super gross boyfriend who is abusive and rude who makes me want to punch kittens... soooo ... yeah. But God is good and made it so we could overcome a lot of stuff. She came to this super amazing RS holiday party and the spirit was so strong and she loved it and wants to come to church and be baptized and ALL OF THE MIRACLES!!!! haha. I love her. The relief society party was fun! And sentimental. It was based on family traditions. *cries* haha. It was really nice though. It was nice to get in the Christmas mood. even if I wasn't with my family. I shared how we all go to a Chinese restaurant on Christmas and they got a pretty good kick out of that :) 
-We ran into a SUPER Catholic guy who was really intense and wanted to argue and it was really funny. And depressing. The end. 
-So I've started reading Jesus the Christ. K. Um. If I could send you a picture of my mind being blown.. I would. Seriously... that book... is incredible. I have learned so many amazing things about Christ and I can feel my testimony of Him growing so much stronger. I wish I could explain my feelings about Christ. But it's something that only feels can explain. I know He lives though. Simple as that. :) He is my best friend out here and I love Him. :)
-So a lady in my ward took us to a really delightful restaurant named LuLu's. Mom... I know how much you love seafood. So when I get home.. we are coming back just so we can come here. It is right on the river and all of the seafood is freshly caught and it was just yuuummy.... fooood.... *drool* I'm going to come home 400 lbs.. haha. 
-OH! So today is Tuesday. Right. We have transfers this week... Excuse this next part of my email... 
Okay. I feel better. :)   I'm staying in JAX Beach!!! HOORAY! I am very happy about this because I love this area and my ward and my companion. So it's great. :) 
-Annnnnd that's about it for this week!! Overall it's been a really good week with lots of miracles. :)

 I hope this week you remember what you are thankful for cause it's Thanksgiving!!! Read Mosiah 2 and just bask in it's spiritual goodness. It talks a lot about how we should be thankful. It's amazing!!! I am so thankful that I am out here on my mission. Words cannot begin to describe how much I've grown. I am so thankful that I have 18 months to LOOOVE  PEOPLE!!! I'm thankful for my amazing family who gives me strength to press forward everyday. I can feel your prayers. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love you all! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!! :) 

Until next week.. Stay classy my friends ;)
Love, Sister Chamberlain :) 
P.s. oh yeah. We found another investigator. Her name is Merril. And she is the cutest old lady ever and I want to take her home. The end. 

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