Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 14... JAX Beaches

Hello there everyone! ! ! 

What is crackalackin over there in Utah??? I hope ya'll aren't lackin... in the crackin.... ? 

K. So this week has been lovely!! A little on the slownothingtooexcitinghappened side. But lovely none the less. :) I haven't done my typical bullet point list in a while so I think I'll revisit those! 

-We found a less active family!!! It was a miracle really they just so happen to be in our apartment complex and they didn't transfer their records and WE FOUND THEM MUAHAHAHAHA. I tell you what.... Mormons are like the world’s best stalkers. Like.. The good kind of stalker.. Like the... we aren't letting you get away from this wonderfulness so we are going to stalk you so you can have eternal life... I think it's a valid reason. I digress.. Bro Parker is an amaaaazing cook. He has ruined all food for me. Haha. He made French onion soup and I about passed out because it was so good. So yeah... If I come home 300 lbs heavier you can blame him. They are really really nice and I love them dearly. 

-Natalie is struggling. Her boyfriend is still supes creepy and every time I see him I kinda want to throw an anvil at him ... but. .. I suppose that isn't very Christ like of me is it? Bahaha. I TRY SO HARD TO LOVE HIM. It's hard when he is a MONSTER. Okay. I need to calm down... but anywhoohoooo keep her in your prayers please :) 

--My headaches are still doing wooonderful!!! :) 

-So we went tracting and we ran into this really nice lady who gave us freshly picked oranges from her tree!!! They were hands down... the best pieces of citrus I've ever had the pleasure of inhaling. Reason #342 I love Florida. :) 

- Whilst on the same tracting adventure we ran into a man named Skip!! He was suuper nice!! We discussed our beliefs and he discussed his and it was super great and the spirit was so strong! He was this cute lil old man. Anyhoo, he was putting sheets out on his plants (because apparently that’s a thing over here) and we had a prayer with him and when we said amen the clouds parted, the sun, came out and there was a rainbow. No biggie. He said maybe it was a sign. I thought to myself "YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY ITS A SIGN. WANNA BE BAPTIZED?" hahaha,,, we are planning on visiting him soon. :) God is good. I love it when he shows off. 

-We got a new Elder in JAX Beaches!!! His name is Elder Walt! He is super funny. He says his favorite things are "hiking, hot chocolate, stars, and rainbows" hahaha. Sooo that's fun! He is a really good missionary and I'm excited to work with him. 

-So my adventure of the week!!! Our lovely neighbor, Jennifer, invited us over to a bbq with her family and a couple of friends! Which was really nice of her so we decided to go over cause apparently people here in the apartment complex are "intrigued" with us... and they talk about us and all our weird beliefs and what not.. haha. Anyhoo, we show up and there are quite a few people and a lot of beer and cigarettes. Yaaay. So somehow Sis Joseph and I got cornered at a table with an atheist, a devote catholic, and someone who believes extra-terrestrials visit the earth on a regular occurrence. It seriously sounds like the beginning of a joke!! Anyhoo, they were all very intoxicated and had so many questions and YEAHH. It was quite intense. I felt pretty awesome though that’s for sure. :) 

-Sooo that’s my week!! Pretty great eh?!?!?! I KNOW RIGHT MISSIONS ARE THE BEST. 

I hope ya'll are having a simply splendid week full of many magical moments. N stuff. 

The church is so very true!! I love missionary work and the Lord and all of you!!!! 

Stay classy now. 

Love, Your favorite sister missionary, Sis Chamberlain :) 

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