Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 37.. Mandarin 1st Ward

Changes are coming…

Hello my fellow Sisterens and Bretherens!

I hope you had the greatest of weeks this week. I know I did!!!

I honestly can't really remember what happened this week. Isn't that awful!!

I do know transfer calls went out yesterday!!! Guess who is LEAVING ME? My blessed companion Sister Pasko. Of which I am not happy about. Haha. She is going to outer darkness and leaving me amidst these crazy city people. I will really miss her. She has taught me so much about how to be a good missionary! She has been such a wonderful friend to me and I won't forget the lessons she taught me. But I'm getting a new companion! (Obviously) her name is Sister Carlson. I want to say Sister Coleslaw. . Because words are hard. I hear a lot of really good things about her!! Like, she is crazy and funny. But mostly crazy. So I'm pretty stoked because I'm crazy too. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I see a crazy person staring back... Haha. Granted, I'm really excited to work with her. I'll probably kill her (read be her last companion) seeing that she only has 2 transfers left to live. So that'll be fun!! She probably has all of the wisdoms and advices!!! :) I'm excited to learn from her. :)  I'm quite worried, for I've never had to lead an area before. This is cause for great alarm and anxiety! But FRET NOT!!! The Lord always provides. :)

So once upon a time Sister Pasko and I fasted and prayed forever that we could get a baptism this month. And we didn't. So we prayed with Nephi-like faith to get at least a bap date with someone... And we didn't. So we PRAYED OUR LITTLE HEARTS OUT (literally. It was very messy) that someone would come to the "why I believe" fireside and we waited and waited for somebody to show up and NADA. ZIP. ZERO. Nobody. Sister Pasko and I feeling quite defeated tried to enjoy the fireside but ultimately just sat there and wished at least one of investigators had shown up. Because it was an amazing fireside! The spirit was so strong!! I sat there and thought "why am I even out here!!! I try so hard and I work my tail off and nothing ever comes of it! I have all the hopes and joys and I want to share it with everyone but NO ONE WILL LISTEN." The fireside ended and Sister Pasko and I give each other a sigh and said "well, maybe next time" we turned around and talking towards us was Mark. I could've sworn I heard a choir of angels singing somewhere. The clouds parted and a ray of sun shined down upon Mark. He walked up to us and said "wow. Thanks for inviting me to the service. I don't know anything about your church but I want to learn more". *jaw.hits.floor* Mark was a man we had met previously in the week. We knocked into him and casually invited him to the fireside and he said he would come with his kids. Most people tell us that and never show up... So I kinda brushed it off. But no! He came!!! HE WAS SITTING BEHIND US THE WHOLE TIME!!!! The Lord was blessing us and we didn't even know it or see it because we were blinded by our lack of faith to look around!! FLAWLESS MERRIMENT!!! Truly!!!! He left and Sister Pasko and I look at each other and start sobbing. Right there. In front of everyone and their dog. I was so thankful for that tender mercy from The Lord. It got me thinking about all the times in my life where The Lord has blessed me and I haven't even realized it. I feel like this happens waaayyyy more than I want to admit. I want to be better at recognizing his tender mercies, because they truly are everywhere. Even when I don't realize it. All you gotta do is look around a little harder and never lose the faith.

Heavenly Father hears our prayers and answers them. My testimony of his reality and love for us will never be shaken. :)

That was my super cool miracle this week. :)
Soo.. Funny story....

Sister Pasko and I got home one night and our door step rug was all messed and our door was unlocked. Freaky? Yes. Quite freaky. We look inside and nothing is missing or disturbed. I forget about it. I took a bath because missions are stress and I needed to unwind and I get ready and go to bed. Sister Pasko and I were up talking pretty late, because that's what happens when you put two girls together. Haha. We finally crawl into bed at 11:00 pm and try to sleep. It was then I heard someone at our front door messing with the lock. My heart immediately starts pounding. Then they try the door. Sister Pasko asks if I had locked the door.  I am usually pretty good at doing that so I assumed that I did... Then the person starts pounding on our door. Over and over again! Sister Pasko and I cling to each other. I've never been so scared!!! My mission was flashing before my eyes!! I'm pretty sure I peed a l’il! She grabs the phone and a chair and we sneak into the front room to see what crazy is at our door. I look through the peep hole and it's the.... Maintenance man?


We crack the door open and this big burly maintenance man asks in a gruff voice "did you take a bath?" Feeling awkward about this man asking me about my personal hygiene habits I mutter "....yes?" He then told us it was flooding our neighbors room downstairs and he had come to fix it! I was in my pj’s. My jam jams. No one should see me in those. After a long day if missionary work. It wasn't pretty. But I was more disturbed by his comment "it's okay.. I like to take sloppy baths too".



If mental images could kill... *shudder* The word sloppy should never be used when describing bath taking. He fixed the leak and went on his way. And I sat there in bed the rest of the night and pondered my life decisions that had led me to that point.

Haha. Missionary work is so .. Incredibly fun. And awkward. And all of the adjectives. Haha. I love it so much. I'm really excited for the changes and the growth that will take place in this next transfer!
It's my hump day! I received my mission call one year ago! Boy, how time flies.
I love you all! Thanks for everything! Have a blessed week y'all :)

Sister Chamberlain :)

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