Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 24... JAX Beaches

Hey y'all!!!

So this week was thuper duper!!!

We didn't teach much but we did a lot of service! Which is the
greatest! Cause service is the greatest!!

The P******'s moved out this week and we helped them get all packed up!
I'm going to miss them a lot. They were wonderful people and provided
me with many laughs and fun times! It was sad to see them go, but it's
great they found such a nice place to live. They deserve it! We called
up the elders quorum and asked them to come help. Which they did. Good
heavens, if you need help moving call up the Mormons. We are pro at
getting stuff packed and moved in a short time.

Let's see... What else happened.. My days just blend together. It's
crazy to think another week has gone by. OH. So Tuesday I had a trade
off with the lovely sister L*****! It was pretty awesome to see
another area and to work with another sister. I learned a lot from her
and overcame some things that had me troubled. I have a testimony of
sister training leaders!! They are inspired! So that was lovely. :)

Remember that man named R***** we contacted last week?? Yeah... Well
.... We had brain flatulence and didn't get his apartment number.
*face~palm* so we've knocked every door around his car and WE CANT FIND
HIM. He is much too good at this hide n seek game... Olly olly oxen
free R***** .... Pray that we will find him!!!

So we decided since it was a nice day to go contacting on the
boardwalk by the beach. Any excuse I have to see the beach I take it.
I may not be able to go on it... But I can certainly stare at it. Now
all awkwardness of half-naked people everywhere aside, I really
enjoyed it!! :D everyone we talked to were really nice and they
actually talked to us!!

This is significant... You see, NOBODY TALKS TO US. Ok. So some people
do but it's usually "oh we have already have Jesus". But these people
actually talked to us and had a religious discussion!! We talked to a
man named R***. Now R*** is your average Jo Schmo. Nothing ever good
has ever happened to him but nothing necessarily bad has happened
either. He has never gone to church. Never married. He said he doesn't
know if he has ever been happy before. He also wants to know what the
purpose of this life is..., annnnnd cue plan of salvation pamphlet!!
Haha it was so cool!! I got to do the one thing that makes me the
happiest out here. I stared him in the face and told him he was a
child of God and that our Heavenly Father loved him and knew him
personally. I love seeing the light turn on in their heads.. Or that
little glimmer of hope that flashes across their eyes that maybe they
are something so much more than they feel to be. He really appreciated
it and said it made his day. Missionary work is glorious!!! :)

On Saturday we got to do service at Fort Caroline! That was a lot of
fun! We picked up trash whilst hiking through a swamp. Super cool,
eh? I thought so. It's starting to get warmer and that means the bugs
are coming out.. The gnats around the swamp were evvvvverywhere.
Including in my clothes. And probably my mouth. Haha. Yay for
Florida!! But seriously. I love it so much here. Too much. *twitch* so
there was one point one of the members sent us to find the elders who
were probably off seeing which elder could catch an alligator or
something and we were walking across this bridge doo dah that was
really close to the water. Sister W******* and I decided to cross
first and we sorta made it sink in to the water... (Sounds like I need
to lay off the fried chicken eh?) well. My blessed companion decided
to pull a "three ninjas" move and run across the planks. Well she did
it perfectly until the last second where her feet gloriously slipped
from under her and she smacked down in the gross, algae, bacteria
filled water. It was probably the most graceful fall I've ever seen.
Bless her heart, I love her to death. She has a pretty cool bruise
from it and didn't get eaten by a swamp creature. So that was nice. :)

So it's the week before transfers!!! I cannot even believe it's
already been a full transfer!! Aaaah! Well, I'm fairly sure that I
won't be training this transfer because we haven't gotten a training
call yet. . . Yet..... Honestly the thought of training makes we want
to pee. But I think it would be awesome. So I'm anxiously ... (And
patiently) waiting for that opportunity. We are fairly certain that
one of us is moving though. We've been together 6 months! If we stay
together another transfer I will have been with her for almost half
my mission!!! Crrraaaazzyyy!!!! We have a lot of fun though. So it's
good :) if I get moved though... Ohhh how the flood gates will be
opened. I get attached too easily apparently. They will seriously have
to rip me away from this ward. But where ever The Lord needs me.. I'll
be happy to follow :)

Today for Pday we played baseball until elder W*** broke the bat..
(Awkward) And then we played ultimate frisbee!! I FREAKING LOVE THAT
GAME. It felt really nice to break a sweat and run around and yeah!!!
Good times. Good times on the mish.

So that's basically all I have for y'all this week!!!! For some reason
I really love bananas all the sudden. I wasn't too big of a fan... But
I had a really good banana the other day and now I can't stop eating
them... It's hazardous. Anywhoohoo!! I gots to run! (And by run I mean
go take a nap...bahaha) But I love you all! Have a fantastic week!!!
Don't forget to pray! Keep smiling!! Yeah! K bye.

Love, Sister Chamberlain :)))

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