Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week 10... JAX Beaches



I never know how to start out these emails.

So... I'll tell a joke!!!

 How many elders does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None.  All you need is a sister. HA.

Okay. Down to bidness here.

Fllllooorrida is great!!! It's all Christmassy and stuff! Minus the snow.. and the family... and and and and and *cries*.

Ha Ha. In all reality this has been one of thee coolest Christmas's ever! What better gift to give Christ than 18 months of your life! Whoopee for missionary work! :D

So let me tell you about this week.

I really need to calm down on the caps

-We taught D on Tuesday, which was amazing, cause she is amazing. The end. haha. We went to teach her the plan of salvation but she ended up teaching us!! It was so wonderful! I swear... she is like a golden investigator to the 10th power. Yeah. Intense. She read all of the pamphlets online and stopped drinking coffee. By herself. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN. So she is amazing and I just love her to death. We are having a FHE with her tonight which should be lovely. Hopefully we can get her kids on board!

-We visited N as well! She is doing great! We finally committed her to the WOW and hopefully she sticks to it! I just love her sooo so so so much! She has such a sincere desire to learn more about the gospel even though she is in a bad situation. (Pray for her to get a job!!! ) Buuuut yeah! I love her. She is doing well. :)

-I still have headaches. Buuut the medical missionaries told me to drink coke and take Tylenol. haha. Yes please! I'll take a coke any day!!!

-On Thursday we had the Christmas party for the missionaries and it was amaaazing!! I loved every second of it! I was able to see everybody from my district at the MTC!! So that was really nice to see the clan all back together again! We got a picture. Cause pictures are cool. There was a talent show and that was fun! Our district sang the Christmas song from Alvin and the Chipmunks and it was... well... interesting. LOL. All the other talents were super good though! :D Then we had a Christmas devotional with lots of singing and musical numbers and they were so wonderful. All 264 missionaries were there! Have I ever told you how much I love singing with missionaries? It is basically the greatest. Our mission mom (Sister C) gave an amazing talk about the Savior and how we knew Him in the pre-existence and how we trusted Him. If we trusted him then.. We can most definitely trust Him now! That hit me really strongly! I want to have that relationship with Him again! So that was super cool! YAY CHRISTMAS!!!! :)

-After the Christmas party we got bags of presents from all the other wards! It was so nice! I picked one up that said "Sister’s bag" I open it up when I get back to my apartment and allll the presents were for an elder. hahaha. That said, I got a really nice men’s shaving kit... and men’s deodorant. HAHA.

-On Friday we went to a live nativity in Bethlehem! It is was... suuuper legit. It was like I was actually in Bethlehem! A church down here hosts it every year and about 15000 people come see it. It was amaaazing. I pet a camel. That was the best. The actual nativity with baby Jesus and Mary and stuff was kinda... anti-climatic. First you had to stand in a Disneyland-esque line and then they were kinda just on display.. it was sorta awkward cause you could still hear all the craziness around. But it probably was a lot similar to that! It's interesting how the spirit was sooorta there... but not really. Not in it's fulness. Interesting but enjoyable for sure! :)

-This week has been a lil hard for my companion cause Christmas and not being home and what not. So it's been hard to motivate her to want to work. So that’s been a little rough. But other than that.. This week has been really good!

-It's such a wonderful time to be a missionary. I love it so much. It's crazy to think it's already been 2 1/2 months. I can feel ive already changed so much. I'm still myself.. I am just mooore myself. It’s interesting having all of this stuff be stripped away from you... (music, movies, friends, family) and to really find out who you are. Without all that stuff! It's been an adventure for sure!

-That's about it for this week! Overall it's been good! Thank ya'll for everything! You are such a great strength to me out here and I love you all dearly!! Don't forget the Christ in Christmas. Have a blessed week. :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain :)

P.s. Feel free to write me letters. I would not be opposed to you writing me letters. *hiiiint*

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