Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 9.. JAX Beaches

Annnnnnd here we go for week 9!!!! :D

Hello! This week was good! Splendid even! LIKE THE SUGAR!

...That's the sugar stuff right...?

I digress.

First off, I apologize for the weirdness of my emails. I hope you know that I'm not like this all the time.

... Okay. You're right. I am like this all the time.


This week was pretty swell!

-I went Christmas tree shopping with a less active member and it was lovely. I have never shopped for a real Christmas tree. So it was fun!!! :)

-My headaches have come back. They are there all the time. Every day. It. is. so. ANNOYING. Buuuut it's all good! I have more important things to worry about! That said, I think I am going to talk to the medical missionaries about it if I don't find a way to make them go away.

-So we had a lesson with Debbie! (The lady who walked into church) and it was amazing. The spirit was soo strong! She is the very definition of a golden investigator! I love her to death! She has been reading the Book of Mormon online and when we handed her her own copy she just cried and cried and held it like it was the most precious thing on earth. It was so sweet. Man, I love missionary work. She has a bap. date for Dec. 29th! So... it will indeed be a white Christmas ;)

-I had a trade off with my sister training leader and it was super great! I really like going on trade offs because you learn sooo much! We were street contacting on the boardwalk by the beach and some guy came up to us and had a really thick Russian accent and asked us if we wanted to go swimming with him. "Heyyy! You pretty gurls want to come swimming with me! We have funn!!" He was like 60. *gag*. It was really creepy cause he kept moving closer to us and we kept inching away.... then we told him we were Mormon Missionaries and he spent the next 45 min trying to deconvert us and convert us the Catholic Church. Awwwkwaaardddd.... hahaha. It was actually pretty funny that’s for sure. There are some weird people out here. Don't worry, I didn't let the creepy old polish anti man touch me.

-Natalie is progressing just fine! Pray that she will be able to get out of her boyfriend’s house. *sigh* I really just want to punch her "boyfriend" in the neck. Buuuut that wouldn't be dignified. haha. I love her to death though! She is so sweet and has such a sincere desire to learn more!

-OK. Sooo remember a couple weeks ago I told you about our noisy neighbors and breaking the law of chastity??? Yeah. Well.. it happened again. *cry* Welllll this time I did something about it! Haha! I may have left a chastity pamphlet in their door. Hahaha. I think I’m hilarious. I'm sure they just loooved it. :D Hey! You never know! They will probably be baptized because of that pamphlet. Noo biggie.

-This week I have learned more what it means to have faith in Christ's atonement.  A lot of the time, as missionaries, we feel inadequate... beyond measure. haha. I'm 19! How in the world am I supposed to change these people lives! And then Satan is really good at bringing up stupid stuff from the past.. "Hey.. remember when you did this? And this?   ha... ha... some missionary you are!" It's not the funnest. That said, when you think about Christ's atonement and his grace.. All of that doesn't matter. We are just human! Of course we can't be perfect and Christ knows that. His atonement makes up the difference. Always. I am so thankful for that in my life. It certainly takes the pressure off of being perfect. That said, you always have to try your hardest!! Which I am! I love my Savior. I love the Christmas season! I love missions! I love all of you!!!!

-We got a Christmas tree. It's the best.


I love ya'll so much! Have a scrumdiddlyumptious week! :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain :) 

Thanksgiving 2013

To the Zoo

To the beach!!

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