Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 20... JAX Beaches


So this week has been lovely!!!
I don't have a lot of time to write this so I’m gonna be super speedy Gonzales over here!!

-We hooked Natalie up with internet and the gospel library!!! Let’s try and see her evil boyfriend stop her from receiving spiritual goodness now!!! MUAHAHA!!! She is doing really well.. She basically taught the restoration to her son. Not a big deal. She is just sharing the gospel just liiike meeeee :) :) I love her.

-The young women had a pinewood derby. Best idea ever. It was fun to watch and to help out with.

-So last Sunday we met these people and made a deal with them that if we go to their church.. they will come to our church!! So on Thursday we make out way to their church and we have nooo idea what to expect. It's called eleven22 and its a Christian non-denominational church... annnnd it was sorta like a rock concert. hahaha. I was trying so hard not to laugh. It was so funny to me for some reason. But I had a lot of fun!!! They sounded a lot like Coldplay. I laughed when I realized this was church for them!!! It is so interesting how they played it so you would feeeeeel something. It was like an artificial spirit!! The last half of it the pastor cracked jokes and actually had a really good message about overcoming trials through Christ. But towards the end they had an opportunity if you wanted to go up to the front and pray. As I was watching all these people pour their hearts out to God I was filled with so much love for everyone in that room. It was overwhelming to the point of tears. They all had such a strong desire to know God and to strengthen their relationship with Christ and this has been their only way of doing it. Which is wonderful that they have this but I just wanted to hug all of them!!!? And to tell them that there is a God and that he loves them sooooo much!! Just like Alma says.. "O that I were an Angel"... I can definitely relate. The spirit was there but it wasn't the full spirit. It just strengthened my testimony of the gospel even more and made me have even more of a desire to share it with everyone I see. They all deserve to KNOW that there is a God and that they can overcome anything through Jesus Christ. We are so blessed to have this knowledge!!

-We almost got into a bible bash with a Jehovah’s Witness. That was.. Riveting. But then I killed it when I started just nodding my head and saying "uh huh... yeah! That’s interesting you believe that!" haha!! He gave up and left because we wouldn’t bible bash back. :)

-Today we went hiking in a national preserve called Guana!!! It was breathtakingly beautiful!!! I saw an alligator!!! And baby alligators!! And almost got attacked by the momma!!! haha!! Good times. Florida is definitely growing on me. I love it so so so so much. It is so beautiful. I don't know if I’m going to be able to leave.... They will have to drag me on the plane. Haha.

Well I love you all so much!!! Thank you for everything!!!!! Keep Shining!!! :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain :)

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