Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 12... JAX Beaches

Hey ya’ll! Paula Deen here! (I will find and convert her by the way)

This week was pretty fantastic!!! Full of ALL THE FEELS. :D
But really. Who doesn’t like all the feels? :) (Except for Spock... he doesn't count)

OKAY! Here we goooo!

-I toured the U.S.S. New York at Mayport Bay and it was basically the coolest thing I've ever seen. A big portion of the ship was made from melted steel from the twin towers on 9/11. It was super legit and there was a cool spirit on the ship! Pictures to come! It is one of the biggest navy ships in the country!! I sat in the captain’s chair and steered the ship and all sorts of cool stuff. Definitely one of my very favorite p-day activities!!!!

-On Christmas Eve we went caroling with the whole zone and it was so much fun!!! :) I loved it so much and the look on people’s faces when they saw 16 missionaries singing to them was priceless. One lady tried to give us 500 dollars cause apparently we sounded that good. We saw it ... and all of us yelled "Run away!!! Run away!!!! “Like Joseph running away from temptation.” hahaha. It was awesome. I loved spreading that Christmas cheer! ;) We caroled an old lonely lady and that was the best. Cause old lonely ladies need 16 missionaries to spend Christmas Eve with. :)

-Christmas was so full of happy holiday goodness!!! I got to Skype my family!! Which was.. Pretty awesome. I guess.  I AM SOFT SERVING IT. ***FLAWLESS MERRIMENT. *** But really... That was amazing. I loved seeing them and talking to them and giggling at them... cause... that’s all I really did... Giggle at them. Haha. The rest of Christmas was fun we basically spent time at members houses. I beat some little kid at foosball like... 4 times in a row. Whoops. Haha. Apparently I rock at that game. No biggie. Then we had a lovely dinner with a member and her less active son who we have been working with, who CAME TO CHURCH SUNDAY. That was the greatest. I had a super terrible migraine the whole day and I felt like my head was going to fall off... but other than that it was amazing! I love Christmas!!! :) :) Cool story. I was trying to share a message with the same family about Christ but my head was hurting so bad I could barley see straight... so I prayed silent
ly and asked heavenly father to basically speak for me because I couldn't form sentences... and He helped me! I don't even remember what I said but I remember feeling the spirit really strongly! It was so cool! :) So Christmas = AMAZING.

- On the day after Christmas I had to go into Instacare to see what was wrong with my head...(what isn't wrong with my head... Bahaha) Well, I explained the doctor what was wrong and she gave me a prescription and told me I had to get a shot!!! I was expecting… like a stab in the shoulder flu shot sorta thing.




I lost my pride that day.

Butt shots hurt.

ANNNYYWHOOOO. I’m on all the drugs. I feel like a druggie. I was put on Sumatriptan.. It made me feel like somebody beat me with a baseball bat and lit my brain of fire and my skin was all tingly. So that was... Uncomfortable. Haha. And I am finally done with my antibiotics for my sinus infection!!! AND I’m on a new drug called Tramadolol ... or something like that. Sooo, that’s fun. And when I say fun I mean I feel like I could punch a dolphin because I'm so frustrated with my headaches. YAY! *twitch* Don't fret. I'm fine. I just probably have a brain tumor or something. Bahaha. ;) BUT REALLY, I’M FINE; THEY ARE TAKING CARE OF ME.

This is going to be a long email.

On an eggy note. I tried home-made eggnog. YEAH. Good stuff. I renamed it chicken nog. It sounds both creepy and delicious. Ha.

- So the highlight of my week; Debbie got baptized!!!


I'm gonna let that sink in for a bit.




That was one of the best days of my life. There are no words to explain how joyful I was on that day. It was such a beautiful service and there were more than 100 people there to support her. Simply amazing. The miracle was ALL her kids showed up!!! It was so cool! AND her minister mom! AND her minister Mom is gonna start coming to church!! WHHAT?!!!  God is just so good. She was so nervous and we got to help her get all ready and we watched her and the spirit was just so strong and
then it hit me... "Oh. This is what missionary work is" I tell you what... there is not a better feeling than that :) It was a white Christmas indeed!

This week has been awesome!!! I can't wait to see what adventures next week has in store for me! I love you all so much and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain :) 

White Christmas!

U.S.S. New York at Mayport Bay

Captain Sister Chamberlain


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