Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 34... Mandarin 1st Ward

Hey y'all!!!!

So this week was a great week!!!

It all started out on Tuesday where we learned one of investigators. .Jackie. . Almost died of a kidney infection. So she was in the hospital!! We went and visited her because she sent us a text telling us she was going to go postal on the nurses if we didn't get there soon. Soo... We booked it to the hospital. And she immediately calmed down. The power of the missionary spirit!! Super cool.

After we had an appointment with our Jerusalem brother!! We had to have a super awkward talk with him about how we were missionaries. And we couldn't have any relationships. Because... Ew. It was a DTR (define the relationship) .... On the mission. HOW INCREDIBLY AWKWARD. Anywho.. That was a fun experience. He’s a nice fella though and has a really strong desire to come unto Christ.

Then we had a lesson with Paul F!!! Our inactive buddy! Him and Kym have become super close with us. I love them so dearly!! We had our ward mission leader go with us to their lesson and he threw down!!! It was so scary! And so great!! The spirit was super strong and Paul ended up going to the Book of Mormon class the next day!!! It was a miracle!!!! He really enjoyed it and is in his way to coming back to church. Granted, he didn't show up yesterday.... Buuuut that's okay!!!! :D Next week!!!! Kyms daughter, who is my age, came home and we celebrated ! It was fun and we met nice people at the party. At the party, Ken (the person who brought the food) really loves to cook so he took us over to this platter of mushrooms and loads my plate up with all these mushrooms. I like all foods. But I don't categorize mushrooms as a food. They are nasty!!! Anywho!!! So here I am. With this plate of mushrooms. I despise mushrooms!!! And I have to eat them!!!! SO I DID. AND THEY WERE FANTASTIC. Be proud mom and dad. BE PROUD. (Seriously though. Best mushrooms I've ever eaten) missions change you.

Amanda and James our lovely couple got antied by Their nanny. So on Wednesday we spent a long while talking to James about how the priesthood works and how he can know if the Book of Mormon true. He then told us that he thought Amanda had thrown the Book of Mormon away because their nanny said it was of satan. So James went over to the trash and started digging through it to find the Book of Mormon!!! And he found it! Amidst the banana peels and dirty diapers... He found it. What a champ!!! It was so awesome!!!! He will be greatly blessed for that! He said he will pray about it and try to help Amanda know if it's true or not too. It was a really powerful lesson! At the end of it we asked him if he would pray with us and say the prayer himself. He said he has never done that before in front of people so he didn't want to. But Sis P and I were persistent and knelt down on his hard garage floor and told him how to pray, closed my eyes and waited. It felt like I waited 15 min before I heard I heard him stumble out his humble prayer. There is something about a sincere prayer from an investigator that is one of the most spiritual parts of a mission. His prayer was beautiful and so humble. The spirit was so strong and he was crying at the end. After we asked him how he felt and he said he wasn't sure if he could explain it. We told him it was the spirit!!! He was still unsure but I could tell he was deeply touched by whatever he felt!! It was such a miracle!!!!

Speaking of miracles, we accidentally went and saw our investigator Mary. Now I say accidentally because we have like 3 investigators named Mary and we were supposed to go see the other Mary but we ended up at this Mary's. Totally inspired. We started talking about family history and she said that she had tried to find her ancestors before but couldn't. We helped her set up a family search account and attempted to find her mom and dad. We couldn't find them to save our lives! I was praying so incredibly hard that we would find someone she was related to. I could tell she was getting discouraged with her comments like "well, I guess I don't have any family" so I kept praying and praying. And FINALLY she recognized a name!!! And that one single name led to us finding her grandparents and her Dads information!! It was such a miracle. She was thrilled!! The spirit of Elijah was so strong. I could just feel those people on the other side of the veil celebrating that they had been found. It was a very special lesson. The spirit of Elijah is real!!! Mary came to church this Sunday and said it's the friendliest church she has ever been to and she wants to come back!!! What?! SO LEGIT. Amazing miracle. :)

We taught Leslie this week and she asked us for a Book of Mormon!!! Uh. Yeah!!! You can have it!! She was so interested in the fact that it was also a history of the Nephite civilization! She is super excited to read it. She is the one that is being visited by the Jehovah's witnesses on Wednesdays.... Apparently they told her all this crazy stuff about us but she didn't listen. Muahaha.

Larry, a man we have been teaching a little bit read a little bit of the Book of Mormon! Finally!!! He said he really like the testimony’s of the three and eight witnesses. He then told us that this book was from God because nobody could write it by themselves! So great! The people here are really feeling the power of the Book of Mormon!! It's been incredible!!! The church is true. :))

So we were teaching this youngster named Chris about the restoration . . . And we were just getting to the really good part about how he can know it's true through the power of the Holy Ghost and he stops us (we are on his porch) and he says "excuse me... I feel like I'm going to pass out. I need to go inside for a sec. I'll be right back" so we I sit really awkwardly on his front porch and wait. He comes back out looking suuuuper pale holding toilet paper to his face and he says "sorry, I puked as fast as I could so I could come back out but I think I need to puke some more so I have to go" ?!?!?!?! We told him of course he could go back inside and puke. The crazy thing is. . . This is the second time this has happened with two different investigators!!! WHAT?! Is our teaching that bad?!?! Hahaha. We laughed pretty hard about it. Maybe the spirit was so strong... That he had to?? I don't know. . . Ha.

On Sunday we went to visit one of our potential investigators, Linda, who we had prayed with that her husbands cancer we get better like 2 months ago and we ring the doorbell and some dude answers and then the lady behind the dude yanks him out of the doorway and says frantically "I'm Natalie, Linda's daughter, are you the people from the church?!" We said "the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?? Yes! We are!" She said "yeah that one!!!! I've just been trying to find your number! My mom is in the hospital with 11 brain tumors and she asked for you two specifically to pray for her!!" She started crying and said she had been looking for our card everywhere but couldn't find it and that's when we showed up. We prayed with her and told her everything was going to be alright and that The Lord was looking out her her and her family. She called her mom right up and said "the angels showed up". Wow. I have a testimony that The Lord will put you where you need to be when you need to be there. This week has been soooo incredibly full of these instances!!!!

So yeah!!! Those are the highlights of my week!! It has been an incredibly blessed week with so many miracles I can hardly believe it myself. Thank you SO much for your prayers!! They are working! This area is growing each day and I am so grateful and blessed to be serving here. People are prepared for the gospel! It's been such a blessing to be able to share this gospel with  the people here in Florida. :). I love being a missionary!!! Have a lovely week!! I love all of you dearly!!! :)

Love, Sister Chamberlain :)

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