Thursday, October 9, 2014

Week 52... Mandarin 1rst Ward

Hey y'all!

This week was a fabulous week!!! Wonderful! Superb! Glorious even! I'm actually trying to remember what happened... Haha. I feel like I say that every week. But I shall attempt to do my best at remember this week’s adventures.

Well, John our wonderful investigator is still progressing wonderfully towards baptism!! John is so great! He is one of the most Christ like people I've met. He understands the concept of selfless service. For example... He is always giving us random stuff and writing us letters and taking pictures of things that remind him of the message we are teaching him. He heard one of the ward members say they were running low on food and the next day he calls us and asks us to pick up some food for this member. We go over there and he has a COOLER of food and about 4 bags of canned goods. Wow. He is awesome. I'm so blessed that I've been able to learn from his example!

He came to all 4 sessions of general conference! That was amazing! He said that he just felt something pull him back each time. The messages were just for him. It was so great!!

I actually got pretty humbled during conference. Let me explain, here are all these wonderful talks that fit johns concerns perfectly and the spirit is SO thick. After we ask him how he liked it and he said "it was good! I liked it! It's just like my Baptist church I went to!" Well, I didn't like that answer. Haha. Then we asked him what he was thinking about his bap date and he said he didn't know. I was getting so incredibly impatient with him. I just wanted to shake him and say "JOHN YOU KNOW THE CHURCH IS TRUE WILL YOU JUST GET BAPTIZED ALREADY?!" He is having a hard time understand the need for priesthood power and once again I wanted to shake him and say "WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I'VE EXPLAINED THIS TO YOU 948374929 TIMES" then he said he "might" come to the last session of general conference. I don't even know why.. But I was not thinking very charitable or patient thoughts. Haha. So I pray and ask for forgiveness and ask for some charity and patience so I don't do anything stupid. Gosh, I just love these people so much why can't they understand!!


We drive back to the church for the last session.. And there we see to the side of the road.. John. He is biking to the church. He looks sweaty and out of breathe. It hit me then that John had been biking to and from the church for every session of conference. Wow. At that moment he was no longer John who was so frustrating because he didn’t understand things in the pace that I wanted him to... He was John.. A true truth seeker.. Sacrificing 8 hours of his time to bike to the church to watch the prophet and apostles speak. He even said he limited himself to 2 cups of coffee that day. I cried a lot after that.  It's incredible how the spirit can soften your heart in an instance. It filled me with charity and patience! I've learned that these children of God move at their own pace. Not mine. I'm not at the control of this work.. The Lord is. Wonderful lesson I was taught this week.

Also!!! We are teaching someone named Donald who came to 3 sessions of general conference!! During the last session.. The last ten minutes he was just crying and crying. At the end.. He turns to me and chokes through his tears "thanks for bringing me home". Isn't that what's it's all about, bringing people home. Take away everything and that's what it is. A Father trying to bring His children home and give them all that He has. It was a very sacred moment for me and it hit me how beautiful this work truly is. It's so much bigger than me. Infinitely bigger! I'm so thankful I get to be
apart of it though. :)

I hit my year mark this past week. That was weird. But I realized that there isn't anywhere I would rather be than here serving the Lord. Now, people don't have that feeling of being perfectly contempt where you are in life. But I am! I would rather be nowhere else. :)

Well, I love you all greatly!!! :) I hope you have a wonderful week full of all of the laughs and loves and happy times. You'll be in my prayers. :)

Sister Chamberlain :)

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