Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 30... Mandarin 1st Ward

Hey y'all!!!  How's y'all's weeks beens??

Can I come home speaking like a Southerner? Please?

Well today has been a super magical day!  Our whole Zone went to St. Augustine today!!! Hooray!! My goodness it was so much fun! We went to the alligator farm!! Alligators are SO UGLY! And FAT!!!! They are disgusting!!!!! Hahaha. Oh it was glorious. The wonderful senior missionaries Elder & Sister Christensen paid for us all to go and it was so incredibly kind of them to do that.  I HELD AN ALLIGATOR.  No biggie. They are the best and I love them! I have many many pictures to send you!!! Anywho, enough about that...

My week was super great!!! We saw many little miracles all over the place. :) The Lord is certainly blessing the Mandarin area. :)

An update on our investigators!!!

Kym is finally moved into her place! We went over there to see it and it looks lovely :). We went over there to teach the word of wisdom and some people were over there having a couple of drinks and so we decided that might not be the best lesson to give.... Haha. But we shared some super great "ah ha" moments that we had in the Book of Mormon and Paul (the less active) bore a really great testimony on trials! So that was great. Because I don't have my pros debit card we have been kinda starving.... Haha. Salad and eggs!! Yum!!!! But we went over to Kym's house and told her and she loaded us up with all the groceries!!! It was so nice of her and definitely a tender mercy from the Lord :)

The Craven boys .... Well. We went over to teach them the law of chastity. Which I was suuuuuper excited for...... There is nothing like giving the law of chastity to two teenage boys. . . Haha lemme tell you. But it went really well! We had some members come with us to help us teach and the lesson actually went pretty great! I could tell Zachary was off. So we asked him what he was thinking and apparently his parents have been feeding him all sorts of anti Mormon material. Now he is all confused and hurt and doesn't know what to do.. Sooo... He cancelled his baptism. Which was beyond heartbreaking. :( but we are still going to work with him and help him gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. Alex is doing well, the anti stuff didn't phase him at all. So we are thankful he is still solid. We need to slow down with both of them though. We've taught them everything we just need to let them learn and grow. :)

Ron also got antied. Apparently his childhood bully is now a bishop. He is not too happy about that. Heesh satan is being such a big bologna head to our investigators this week. Please pray for them!!!

We had zone meeting this week! I really enjoyed Zone meeting and I feel like every training session was inspired. Our leaders are so wonderful and so in tune with the spirit. I really look up to all of them. They have helped me grow so much! Sister Mclearys training really stuck out to me about having a good attitude in whatever situation you are placed in. This week I have tried that out! No matter what came my way I tried to see the silver lining in it and it's amazing how different missionary work is when you do that!! It's so great!!! I also really enjoyed sister Heckels training on raising our expectations for ourselves. I never knew I had a weakness for that until she gave the training. Haha. Imagine that? She said "we came here expecting to be little cottages .. . Little did we know The Lord was building a mansion" How great?! I realized that I needed to let enabling power of the atonement expand and extend my vision for myself. Christ wants us to be mansions!! Even when/if we see ourselves as little humble cottages. I know that through Him we can become mansions.

So great story!!

Once upon a time. . . On a day like any other day in Florida. It was super
humid, blazing hot. and it was raining.. Sis P and I were blazing the neighborhood of Indian Hood. We had about 5. Min until we had to rush to a dinner appointment but we both knew we should knock one more door.. . .

*cue dramatic music*

We both agreed the house with the blue car. Because who doesn't like a blue car. Tired and mildly discouraged from the events of the past couple of hours (area 1 has a lot of angry Jewish people) I muttered "eh. . . They probably won't be interested anyway" Sis P mumbled a "yeah" I immediately realized my huge lack of faith we were both having and I was determined to fix that!!! I said "no!! We are going to have so much faith! We are going to bear our testimony’s of the Book of Mormon so powerfully they will have to read it!!!!" Myself feeling still skeptical in the inside wondered if it would actually work. But ALAS! We marched straight up to the blue car house and we pounded on the door which seemed to echo the same sound my heart my making. Lo and behold a young whippersnapper answered the door. I thought "ohhh great". I managed to stumble out a little background on the Book of Mormon and Sis P did as well. And we bore our testimony’s with as much sincerity and power as we could muster up. At the end, I squeaked out an invitation to read it. He looked at the book. Looked at us. Looked back at the book and ~paaaause. Pause. Pause. 38473947 hours later!! He finally nodded his head and said himself hardly believing what was coming out of his mouth... "Yes, actually. I do want to read it" FLAWLESS MERRIMENT erupted in my heart!!! I'm pretty sure I heard a choir of angels singing somewhere. We walked away feeling completely humbled and overjoyed at what The Lord had blessed us with. Sis P. and I looked at each other and we both yelled "FAITH IS REAL!!!" And we hugged and drove off to our lovely dinner appointment.   THE END.

Faith is real. Faith is a principle of POWER! It is a tangible real power that we have to do the Lords work. I've learned that I shouldn't doubt. I don't need to doubt because faith is so much stronger than doubt. Hope is so much stronger than discouragement. Wow I love being a missionary.

Sunday is Mother's Day! Which means I get to see/Skype my familia!! Woo!!!!

Overall it’s been a really great week. We tracted in the rain most the week and that was... Interesting. I never knew so much water could fall out of the sky. Haha. Well, I love you all very much and I hope you have a superb week!!!! When reading in the Book of Mormon try your hardest to have ah ha moments!!!  The Book of Mormon is full of hidden treasures waiting to be found. As sister Craig says "go have an adventure in the Book of Mormon" : ).

Have a great week!!! Love you all! :)

Lots of ooey, gooey loves, Sister Chamberlain :)

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