Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 32... Mandarin 1st Ward

Helllooooo :)

Just another week in the beautiful state of Florida!!! :) This week was pretty uneventful. Sister Pasko and I got quite ill with the flu bug and had to quarantine ourselves to the apartment because we had fevers and there was a lot of snot and no voice and it was bad. We did not want to get our investigators sick. And we didn't want to keel over and die. Haha. Needless to say, we did get some work in!!!

I made Sis P try a “Neti Pot”
(Creepy tea pot thing you stick up your nose and it cleanses your sinuses. Hahaha) and it was probably the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Haha. Being sick on a mission is really frustrating because you want to help all the people and serve all the things and you can't because you can barely get out of bed... BUT!! We are feeling much better now. :)

We saw Ron!!! It was . . . Interesting. Our previous lesson we had challenged him to watch the whole hour version of the restoration to better understand Joseph Smith . . . So he did!!! The only thing he got from it was he wondered what Joseph Smiths day job was...Haha. Patience. A virtue I am definitely learning.. . I love Ron though. He is such a sweet man. At the end of our lessons he always thanks us for putting up with him and his stubbornness and gives us cold water and chocolate. Sooo... It works out. Haha. We have been
praying a lot for him.

The Frenzels are doing lovely!!! We sticky noted their door with loves because it was Paul's birthday! It was fun. They loved it. They are both really busy with work and haven't had much time to focus on the gospel. But we are trying really hard to fellowship them into the ward and to help their testimony’s become stronger!!

Jackie has been doing really well also!! She is finally starting to turn her life around which is a miracle!!!! :) Her little girl named Alyssa is such a bundle of joy! With soooo much energy. We aren't supposed to hold kids but she is always jumping all over me. It's quite hilarious. :).

We taught Amanda and James that families can be together forever and they were so overwhelmed by that thought. They were under the impression that after this life none of us would know each other!! It was such a joy to teach them that through the priesthood we can be with our families for eternity. I never knew so many people didn't know that blessing is available. I feel so blessed and honored to be sharing it with them. James was so sweet... He looked at his wife and he said "that's what I want... What do we need to do?" Those are the best words to hear come from someone's mouth. Haha. Thennn we showed them a picture of the temple and they were astounded that people
actually could get married in there. Ahhhhh the temple is so great!!!!

The church is so true!!!

The weather was much cooler this week, which is such a blessing!!! Biking in the humid heat is one thing... Biking in the humid heat with a fever and a cold is just not okay. So... The Lord blesses us!  :)

I've learned this week amazing things about the power of prayer. I studied a lot about how Joseph Smith got his answer and have been applying it to my own life. Heavenly Father loves to answer questions for us. He listens to our prayers!!! How great is that?!
Alligator Farm

New Cut and Color

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